
Interview mit Jonathan Haidt in der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung am 08. April 2024

Lieber Gast!

Ich habe ja mal Psychologie studiert: In Düsseldorf, Bonn und Madrid. Nach einer Ausbildung zum Bankkaufmann.

Zwar zog es sich später wieder in die Wirtschaft mit meinem Fokus auf Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, doch an den Grundlagen und zentralen Fragen des Faches war und bin ich immer noch interessiert – und diese sind natürlich auch relevant, wie z.B. Differenzielle und Persönlichkeitspsychologie für die Mitarbeiterauswahl und das Online-Assessment. Und wenn es mit Technologie zu tun hat, um so mehr!

Jonathan Haidt lief mir literarisch über sein Buch “Die Glückshypothese: Die Quintessenz aus altem Wissen und moderner Glücksforschung” um das Jahr 2010 über den Weg, als ich mit mit dem wissenschaftlichen Fundament der Positiven Psychologie beschäftigte – die auch für Führung und das Human Resource Management relevant ist, wie z.B. das bekannte Verfahren zur Identifikation von Stärken: Der StrengthsFinder von Don Clifton und Gallup.

Haidts Buch ist eines der Besten zur Positiven Psychologie, das ich gelesen habe (und es waren bestimmt mehr als zehn). Als Sozialpsychologe und Wissenschaftler an der New York University Stern School of Business forscht er vor allem zur Psychologie der Moral und moralischen Emotionen und ihrer Beziehung zu Politik und Religion.

Jonathan Haidt, Quelle: www.jonathanhaidt.com (embedded)

Zudem war er weiter als Autor aktiv und publizierte mehrere Bücher hierzu sowie seit 2015 auch zu den Themen Universitätskultur und mentale Gesundheit von Studierenden. Sein neues Buch “The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness” erschien im März 2024 und wird auf deutsch laut Amazon im Juni verfügbar sein.

Anlässlich dieser Publikation sprach Rolf Dobelli, der bekannte Schweizer Schriftsteller und Unternehmer (z.B. “Die Kunst des klaren Denkens”, Gründer von World.Minds), mit Jonathan Haidt über die hohe Nutzung sozialer Netzwerke besonders durch junge Menschen und dessen Wirkungen auf die Gehirnentwicklung und das Verhalten – und er liefert einige Ideen für Maßnahmen zu einer positiven Entwicklung.

Zusammen mit anderen Erkenntnissen, Erfahrungen und Positionen, wie z.B. Gerd Gigerenzer (2022) in “Klick: Wie wir in einer digitalen Welt die Kontrolle behalten und die richtigen Entscheidungen treffen”, ein lesenswerter Beitrag vom 08. April 2024 in der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ):


So, diesmal ein thematisch etwas anderer Beitrag zu Psychologie und Technologie. Beim nächsten Post schaue ich mir an, welche spannenden Artikel es zur Künstlichen Intelligenz hinsichtlich People & Culture (HRM) gibt. Lust darauf? Dann einfach vernetzen.

Hinweis: Relevante Links zu diesen Newsblog-Artikel finden sich unten.

Einen produktiven Dienstag und herzliche Grüße

Stefan Klemens

PS: Want to exchange ideas on Human Resources, people analytics, digital assessment, or artificial intelligence in HRM? Then network, write a message and/or make an appointment for an online meeting. Or the classic way: phone call.

And: You like my work and the content I regularly share? Then I’m happy about a Like or comment on LinkedIn. Thank you! 🙂 🙋‍♂️🌳

Quellen und weitere Hinweise:

(a) Über Jonathan Haidt: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Haidt; seine Website: https://jonathanhaidt.com/
(b) Zum StrengthsFinder (CliftonStrenghts): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CliftonStrengths,
(c) Don Clifton: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_O._Clifton und Positive Psychologie: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_Psychologie
(d) Über Rolf Dobelli: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolf_Dobelli
(e) Gerd Gigerenzers Buch “Klick”: https://www.penguin.de/Paperback/Klick/Gerd-Gigerenzer/Pantheon/e607350.rhd


Industry Tech Innovation Night – KI in der Industrie am 24. April 2024

Lieber Gast!

Eine Reihe von tollen Veranstaltungen finden dieses Jahr statt zu meinen Lieblingsthemen Human Resource Management, Technologie, Data Analytics, Online-Assessment und Künstliche Intelligenz.

Eine Liste mit vielen Konferenzen, Messen und (Online-)Workshops in 2024 findet sich in meinem Newsblog hier (32 HR Tech Conferences) und hier (13 HR & People Analytics Conferences).

Heute habe ich ein weiteres spannendes und lokales Event entdeckt, das ich gerne mit Euch teile: Die “Industry Tech Innovation Night – KI in der Industrie” am 24. April 2024 von 17 bis 21 Uhr in Neuss im Gare du Neuss.

Titelbild der Veranstaltung (Quelle: Eventbrite, embedded)

Alle weitere Information hier:
https://www.eventbrite.de/e/industry-tech-innovation-night-ki-in-der-industrie-tickets-850681740987 sowie hier

Mit Christian Temath (KI.NRW), Frank Spangenberg (Panos.AI), Carsten P. (Normify), Esma Gulten (Gizil), Sina Kämmerling (FINDIQ), Holger Pigerl (aiXbrain), Klemens Gaida (IANUS Simulation), Dirk Jürgeleit (GIFAS ELECTRIC) sowie weiteren Experten und Vertretern von Start-ups, Unternehmen und Organisationen.

Dank für die Organisation an Peter Hornik vom Digital Innovation Hub Düsseldorf/Rheinland und Hans-Jürgen Petrauschke vom Rhein-Kreis Neuss und deren Teams.

Ich bin dabei und freue mich auf einen inspirierenden Abend. Vielleicht Du auch?

Einen guten Wochenstart und viele Grüße

Stefan Klemens

Lust auf mehr Start-up-Spirit? Klar! Das Programm und Tickets für die Startup-Woche Düsseldorf 2024 (3. bis 7. Juni) gibt es ab 24. April 2024 hier: https://www.startupwoche-dus.de/

PS: Want to exchange ideas on Human Resources, people analytics, digital assessment, or artificial intelligence in HRM? Then network, write a message and/or make an appointment for an online meeting. Or the classic way: phone call.

And: You like my work and the content I regularly share? Then I’m happy about a Like or comment on LinkedIn. Thank you! 🙂 🙋‍♂️🌳


AI is not breaking EU law: Revealing the musician interviewed // Dave on Data

Dear visitor!

My latest newsblog article for Schorberg Analytics started with a reference to a song title by a famous metal band.

And I wrote a little bit about the new EU AI Act and how its affects AI in HRM in my text at the beginning, before I focused on the main purpose of it: Presenting you 7 books on AI for work and HRM.

Note: I updated this list a day later by adding 20 more books at the bottom on Artificial Intelligence(AI), ChatGPT, Business, and Large Language Models(LLMs), so there are no excuses for you for not reading and not knowing how to get into AI or, as you have probably touched the keyboard for it, for improving your skills and business!

But back to music: “Breaking the Law” is a song title by the successful British band Judas Priest founded 1969 in Birmingham, and the interviewee was their singer and songwriter: Robert Halford. The music group sold over 50 million albums and is considered to be on of the greatest metal bands.

German/Austrian/Swiss culture TV station 3sat spoke with their lead vocalist on the occasion of their new and 19th studio album “Invincible Shield”. You can watch the interview with Rob Halford, now 72 years old, in the media library of the broadcaster and the program “Kulturzeit”:

Image: Rob Halford, Source: 3sat (embedded)


So, that was the solution. When I was younger (and my hair was of course longer) I used to listen to such music and from other rock genres of the 80s and 90s as well. As now I am just a little bit older, I still enjoy this music, but my main focus since 15 years is dancing and listening to Salsa music.

Interesting: There are others like business psychologist Dr. Nico Rose who write and speak about the connection of Psychology and Hard Rock/Heavy Metal music (see his website too), and as I know some (or many? who has a statistics? ;-)) tech people (and with other backgrounds as well like design and law) banged their heads too.

Here a closing tip fits which returns us to AI, data science, and Python (the programming language of course, not the lovely animal 😉):

David Langer, an applied computer scientist and experienced IT trainer (and according to his shirts in his latest videos with some interest for metal bands like Metallica and Iron Maiden), offers great online-tutorials, videos, and live training to learn Python, and Python with Excel, Machine Learning, and special Data Literacy courses. Check out his work on his website and free resources on his YouTube channel!

I learned about Dave on Data by the terrific newsletter by Data & Analytics, so you should, if this your field of work, check it out too.

That’s it!

Holidays are coming for many of us and I wish you some recreational and inspiring free days where ever you may roam! (the next song riddle, hoho!)

Stefan Klemens

Note: The image for this newsblog article was created with the help of DALL·E 3 as part of OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4. For those interested in the prompt and the chatbots accompanying words, here it is:

You: Create a HD pop art image in horizontal format of the relationship of heavy metal music on one side and data analytics as well as artificial intelligence on the other side. Surprise me!

ChatGPT: Here’s a pop art image that creatively captures the relationship between heavy metal music and the worlds of data analytics and artificial intelligence. It blends the vibrant and chaotic energy of a heavy metal concert with the precise, orderly realm of AI and data analytics in an imaginative and cohesive way. Enjoy exploring the details and the surprising ways in which these two seemingly disparate worlds are visually connected!

Hint: I created another picture with it, and a different prompt, and the results with skulls, stats, guitars, and charts were artistic, but maybe a little bit to scary for a header! ;-).

PS: Want to exchange ideas on Human Resources, people analytics, digital assessment, or artificial intelligence in HRM? Then network, write a message and/or make an appointment for an online meeting. Or the classic way: phone call.

And: You like my work and the content I regularly share? Then I’m happy about a Like or comment on LinkedIn. Thank you! 🙂 🙋‍♂️🌳


7 Books on AI for Work and HRM + AI Act

Updated, 20/03/2024: Book list with 20 more books on AI at the end; some text extensions and corrections.

Dear visitor!

We live in fast times, information travels with light speed around the globe, and artificial intelligence is not breaking the law anymore with the AI Act that just passed the EU parliament on March 13, 2024.

To put it casually, alluding to a song by a well-known British hard rock band. Which I remembered recently while watching an TV interview on German/Austrian/Swiss culture channel 3sat with the front man of the group. (Can you guess who it was?)

Update 02/04/2024 (d:m:y): I published the solution for the little riddle today in this newsblog article and last week on this LinkedIn post.

The Artificial Intelligence Act

But I don’t want to write today about the Artificial Intelligence Act as a European Union regulation yet (nor about Heavy Metal music), but about what’s in the first part of this newsblog’s title: 7 Books on AI for Work and HRM (five published in 2024 and two in 2023; one in English).

However, anyone who works professionally with these mathematical-computer-based tools should take a close look on this new and unique law on AI and its key content: the five level of risk from artificial intelligence. You can find more on the AI Act in this article by Deutschlandfunk (in German, March 16) and on this special EU website.

For HR leaders and professionals it is crucial to know and act on that AI applications for employment like CV-scanning, worker management, vocational training, and the like are classified as “high risk” by the AI Act – as others areas like health or law where AI systems negatively affect safety or fundamental rights of people.

Important to know: The law is expected to come into force with certain delays depending on the risk level in May 2024 after its publication in EU’s own journal.

Note: There is standard for HR Tech in Germany already since 2021: Guidelines and further publications like the “Ethik Check KI” (February 2024) regarding the application of technology and artificial intelligence in HRM were developed by the “Ethikbeirat HR Tech” (Ethics Council HR Tech).

So much for that! Keep in mind this law and guidelines, but let’s us now turn to some more practice and input on how to use AI in your work and for a better HR – and how AI is challenging us and what we else we can do about it.

One more thing: As I am also a fan of science-fiction and thrillers, I added a new novel concerning this areas too. Although such books (and films) can be misleading and they exaggerate in terms of technical, psychological, logical, and other issues more or less (but this is of course one main reason to read fiction at all), some also inspire scientists and engineers, thus drive progress and help to design the future. Good examples are the books by Jules Verne, the novels by Isaac Asimov, or the technical devices designed for Star Trek.


(a) As you will see, all but one books of my list are in German. You can find good books on AI and AI in human resources management in English language of course, and a search at O’Reilly or Amazon will help.

(b) And: The first three books presented below are, by accident (no commission for me!) published by renowned Rheinwerk Verlag (formerly: Galileo Press), specialized in IT, Marketing, Photo, and Video. Because of their Eastern sale you will receive until March 24, 2024, a print book and an ebook for one price in a bundle!

But let’s start with the serious books (I will write a separate newsblog article on AI in novels and films):

Eigene KI-Anwendungen programmieren

Image: Rheinwerk (embedded)

Metin Karatas (2024). Eigene KI-Anwendungen programmieren. Bonn: Rheinwerk. [February 2024]
https://www.rheinwerk-verlag.de/eigene-ki-anwendungen-programmieren/ [Note: English language edition in preparation an on sale in November 2024 according to this publisher’s website]

KI für Kreative

Image: Rheinwerk (embedded)

Jenny Habermehl (2024). KI für Kreativ: Künstliche Intelligenz für Grafik und Design nutzen. Bonn: Rheinwerk. [March 2024]

ChatGPT & Co.

Image: Rheinwerk (embedded)

Rainer Hattenhauer (2024). ChatGPT & Co.: Wie du KI richtig nutzt – schreiben, recherchieren, Bilder erstellen, programmieren. Bonn: Rheinwerk. [November 2023]

Richtig texten mit KI

Imag: mvg (embedded)

Kai Spriestersbach (2023). Richtig texten mit KI – ChatGPT, GPT-4, GPT-3 & Co. München: mvg. [May 2023]

Inside KI

Image: Herder (embedded)

Larissa Holzki, Stephan Scheuer (2024). Inside KI: Wie Künstliche Intelligenz und ihre Pioniere unser Leben und Arbeiten revolutionieren. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder. [March 2024]

The Algorithm

Image: Hatchette Books (embedded)

Hilke Schellmann (2024). The algorithm: How AI decides who gets hired, monitored, promoted, and fired and why we need to fight back now. New York: Hachette Books. [January 2024]

Die Burg

Image: Droemer (embedded)

Ursula Poznanski (2024). Die Burg. München: Knauer. [February 2024]

See my note in the following block on this novel and further links regarding the discussion about the risks of AI.

Note: Novel “Die Burg”
This novel deals with an AI that becomes (super) intelligent, forms it own goals, and acts on these. The risks and chances of AI are widely discussed, one result being the AI Act by the EU mentioned at the beginning of my newsblog article. Whether AI will eventually become human-like or even reaches superpowers, is not clear and the positions of leading AI experts are split. Read more on risks and harms in the Wikipedia here and about existential risks from AI here.

The books by Ursula Poznanski and Hilke Schellmann show AI in a negative light or are critical towards the application of AI in HRM. I don’t share such negative views who overdraw what AI will be capable in the near future or which emphasize the risks much more rather than weight the chances equally.

But it is always good to see the other side and be aware of what some people and employees positions are – and address them appropriately for seeking acceptance by making clear that HR decisions are made by humans and that AI follows rules.

What is need here is far more AI competence and data literacy and their promotions are also part of the AI Act, as well as in projects like those that are announced these days by Microsoft Deutschland within the scope of their planned third server location (next to Bedburg and Bergheim) for AI and cloud computing in the state of Nordrhein-Westfalen. See the next block for more.

Note: Microsofts Investment in Germany
Marianne Janik, CEO of Microsoft Germany, says to the press on her visit to an event in the region with politicians on March 18, 2024: “Niemand wird einer Technologie vertrauen, wenn die Beurteilungsfähigkeit dafür nicht da ist.” [No one will trust a technology if the ability to assess it is not there.] Read more in this newspaper article here and here for the companies huge education campaign for AI, and what the involved local politicians think about it.

That was it! I hope you have gotten some suggestions for books that will help you with your professional AI journey. There are of course many other books out there on AI with or without mathematics, on specific areas (like HRM), or on today’s dominating fields: machine learning and deep learning – or short: data science.

What is your favorite book on AI for work? Which one would you recommend to your colleagues? And how do you see our AI future? Please comment on my LinkedIn post regarding this newsblog article.

I wish you a good week, and: Happy reading and applying AI!

Stefan Klemens

Update (20/03/2024): I expanded my list on a number of books on AI, ChatGPT, Business, and Large Language Models (LLMs). See the results in the following block. And I did some text extensions and corrections as well.

Update: 20 more books on Artificial Intelligence (AI), ChatGPT, Business, and Large Language Models (LLMs)

1. Alexander Loth (2024). KI für Content Creation: Texte, Bilder, Audio und Video erstellen mit ChatGPT & Co. Frechen: mitp.
2. Wolfhart Fabarius (2023). ChatGPT in der Unternehmenspraxis: Anwendungsbeispiele für Risikomanagement, Controlling und Compliance. Berlin: Erich Schmidt.
3. Andreas Berens, Carsten Bolk (2023). Content Creation mit KI. Bonn: Rheinwerk.
4. Stephen Wolfram (2023). Das Geheimnis hinter ChatGPT: Wie die KI arbeitet und warum sie funktioniert. Frechen: mitp.
5. Ulrich Engelke, Barbara Engelke (2024). ChatGPT – Mit KI in ein neues Zeitalter: Wie KI-Tools unser Leben und die Gesellschaft verändern. Frechen: mitp.
6. Eric Sarrion (2023). ChatGPT for Beginners: Features, Foundations, and Applications. Berkeley, CA: Apress. [507 pages]
7. Codi Byte (2023). hat GPT Bible: 10 books in 1 : everything you need to know about AI and its applications to improve your life, boost productivity, earn money, advance your career, and develop new skills. Wroclaw: Amazon Fullfilment.
8. Eric Sarrion (2023). Exploring the Power of ChatGPT: Applications, Techniques, and Implications. Berkeley, CA: Apress. [204 pages]
9. Ken Huang, Yang Wang, Feng Zhu, Xi Chen, Chunxiao Xing (Eds.). (2023). Beyond AI: ChatGPT, Web3, and the Business Landscape of Tomorrow. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
10. Tom Taulli (2023). Generative AI: How ChatGPT and Other AI Tools Will Revolutionize Business. Berkeley, CA: Apress.

11. Olivier Caelen, Marie-Alice Blete (2024). Anwendungen mit GPT-4 und ChatGPT entwickeln. O’Reilly.
12. Paul Dupin (2023). Chatgpt: Profitables Geschäft in der Ära der KI Textgenerierung. Epubli.
13. Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko (2023). Mathematik und ChatGPT: Ein Rendezvous am Fuße der technologischen Singularität. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Spektrum.
14. Charles Waghmare (2023). Unleashing The Power of ChatGPT: A Real World Business Applications. Berkeley, CA: Apress.
15. Akshay Kulkarni, Adarsha Shivananda, Anoosh Kulkarni, Dilip Gudivada (2023). Applied Generative AI for Beginners: Practical Knowledge on Diffusion Models, ChatGPT, and Other LLMs. Berkeley, CA: Apress.
16. Tom Taulli (2023). ChatGPT and Bard for Business Automation: Achieving AI-Driven Growth. Berkeley, CA: Apress.
17. Michael McTear, Marina Ashurkina (2024). Transforming Conversational AI: Exploring the Power of Large Language Models in Interactive Conversational Agents. Berkeley, CA: Apress.
18. Thimira Amaratunga (2023). Understanding Large Language Models: Learning Their Underlying Concepts and Technologies. Berkeley, CA: Apress.
19. Stefan Brunnhuber (2024). The Third Culture: The Impact of AI on Knowledge, Society and Consciousness in the 21st Century. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland
20. Stefan H. Vieweg (Ed.). (2023). KI für das Gute: Künstliche Intelligenz und Ethik. Cham: Springer International Publishing, Springer Gabler.

Tip: Still not enough? Need a special book? Looking for upcoming publications? Then please use your favorite book search engine! For my German-speaking readers: buchandel.de shows almost all deliverable books in German language.

Note: Be aware that ChatGPT by OpenAI is although the leading GenAI tool, there are others similar Chatbots (as you probably know) that you should check out and get familiar with by testing them, watching videos and online-tutorials, reading books and articles, and participating in training and workshops:

Note: Major competitors and alternatives for ChatGPT

(a) Gemini by Google (formerly: Bard; see more here) as the most important competitor;
(b) Anthropic (see more here), founded by former members of OpenAI and financed greatly by Amazon and Google;
(c) Chatbots based on the model LLaMA by Meta, now open source.

Get an overview here about Large language models (LLMs) which are the basis for today’s chatbots. Check out also:

(1) French company Mistral AI (more here) with investors like Andreessen Horowitz, BNP Paribas, and Salesforce.
(2) German Aleph Alpha (more here) with investors like Schwarz Gruppe, SAP, Bosch, and Hubert Burda Media.

I will write more on these companies and models in an upcoming newsblog article: So stay tuned and connect with me on LinkedIn!

PS: Want to exchange ideas on Human Resources, people analytics, digital assessment, or artificial intelligence in HRM? Then network, write a message and/or make an appointment for an online meeting. Or the classic way: phone call.

And: You like my work and the content I regularly share? Then I’m happy about a Like or comment on LinkedIn. Thank you! 🙂 🙋‍♂️🌳

Artificial Intelligence

How do I find the right AI tool? 10 search engines will help!

Dear visitor!

The number of AI tools is growing exponentially as you know if you are following AI newsletters, AI newsblogs and articles, and AI-related posts on LinkedIn.

Which makes it hard to keep an overview and find a solution that could be better for your demands than standard-choice ChatGPT (although it is still one of the best). As a result there are now special search engines for AI software.

For this newsblog article I have collected ten AI search engines – And, as my focus is on human resource management, I tested the directories on the term “Human Resources” and put the numbers of the resulting AI HR tools in parentheses. Some tools offered a category on this term too, while others as you can see list just few ones.

So here is my list on 10 AI search engines in alphabetical order (number of HR tools):

AI Library: 2,150+ tools and colabs (1 HR)

AI Search: 13,088+ tools (23 HR)

AI Tool Directory: no numbers on tools (32 HR)

AI Tool Hunt: Best Free AI Tools (30 HR)

AI Tools Arena: no numbers on tools (6 HR)

AllthingsAI: no numbers on tools (25 HR)

Find My AI Tool: 1,500 tools (26 HR)

Futurepedia: 5,748 tools (12 HR)

There’s An AI For That: 12,757 tools (56 HR)

Toolify: 10,723 tools (321+ HR)

So, there you have a bunch of search engines: Test them on what kind of AI tool you are looking for, and compare their results. This search engines on AI tools provide more or less further functions like categories and several filters, so you can fine tune your AI search.

And as the results above suggest, it is a good idea to start with “There’s An AI For That”, “AI Tool Director”, or the other four which follow close. Toolify is a special case: Although it shows a very high number of AI HR tools, there is no category “Human Resources”. Instead we find there the two HR-related categories “AI Recruiting” and “AI Interview Assistant”, and AI tools regarding further HR topics like “Teams” among “Other > Other”.

And be aware of course: All this special AI HR tools that you will find can help you in your HR work, but as you know yourself, more general GenAI tools like ChatGPT can strongly support you as well – and even enable you to create your own HR AI tool!

I wish you a good week, and: Happy searching, and testing afterwards!

Stefan Klemens

PS: Want to exchange ideas on Human Resources, people analytics, digital assessment, or artificial intelligence in HRM? Then network, write a message and/or make an appointment for an online meeting. Or the classic way: phone call.

And: You like my work and the content I regularly share? Then I’m happy about a Like or comment on LinkedIn. Thank you! 🙂 🙋‍♂️🌳


TV-Doku-Tipp: Schlaue neue Welt – Das KI-Wettrennen

Lieber Gast!

Am 27. Februar 2024 lief in ARTE von 23:25 – 00:55 Uhr die Dokumentation “Schlaue neue Welt – Das KI-Wettrennen” von Dominik Bretsch von der Produktionsgesellschaft Weltrecorder mit Sitz in Berlin.

Inhalt der Dokumentation:

“Das Wettrennen um die Vorherrschaft im Zeitalter der Künstlichen Intelligenz läuft: zwischen den USA, China und Europa. Zwischen großen Tech-Konzernen und Start-ups. Wer gewinnt den Wettkampf? Wird Europa abgehängt? Und wer bestimmt über eine Technologie, von der die Zukunft der Menschheit geprägt sein wird?”

Quelle: Arte

Weitere Informationen zu “Schlaue neue Welt – Das KI-Wettrennen” gibt es hier auf der Produktionsseite von Weltrecorder.

Wer die Dokumentation (Dauer: 89 Minuten) verpasst hat (so wie ich), der kann diese in der Arte-Mediathek ansehen:

Bild: Arte (embedded)


Hinweis: Da neben Arte zu den Auftraggebern auch RBB, SWR, Deutsche Welle gehören, wird diese TV-Dokumentation wahrscheinlich auch in der ARD und/oder in deren regionalen Sendern (dritten Programmen) ausgestrahlt werden.

Einen tollen Wochenstart!

Stefan Klemens

PS: Want to exchange ideas on Human Resources, people analytics, digital assessment, or artificial intelligence in HRM? Then network, write a message and/or make an appointment for an online meeting. Or the classic way: phone call.

And: You like my work and the content I regularly share? Then I’m happy about a Like or comment on LinkedIn. Thank you! 🙂 🙋‍♂️🌳